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Thursday, January 17, 2013


It is time to head to your local bookshop and ask for a copy of Samantha-Ellen Bounds wonderful new book "What the Raven Saw". After many hours of making the birds and having my friend Andreas Greth photograph them. The book is finally on the shelves. It's a great read and I suggest that you go out and pester your bookseller today! I have also been working hard on creating travel boxes for 2 of the Raven models. I will be lending these to the good folk at Random House to display at selective in store promotions. So when you go to the bookshop, you may also glimpse the Raven himself.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Dinosaurs at the zoo!

After hours of drawing Dinosaurs. Including for the book 'A Pterodactyl stole my homework - Saurus Street book 2". I was pleased to come face to face with life size Dinosaurus at Sydney's Taroonga zoo.